A Year of Purpose
In 2017, Greenheart International experienced a deeper expression of purpose.
Greenheart Exchange activated its community in the name of advocacy for cultural exchange and J-1 visa programs, and officially changed its name from CCI Greenheart to solidify our family of brands. Greenheart Travel formally incorporated “travel for a change” into its mission statement, and expanded its purpose by increasing services for first time travelers.
The Greenheart Shop launched the SOS campaign #SaveGreenheartShop, and continued seeing growth in the wholesale line, Sobremesa. Greenheart Transforms hosted the Purpose Summit in San Francisco with over 300 attendees and 40 leaders in the field of purpose. It was a fitting way to finish a year that provided both challenges and activation for our collective purpose.
Your continued support ensures that the next generation has the tools to lead us into the future.
Let’s do it together.
In solidarity,
Emanuel Kuntzelman, Greenheart Founder and President