International Education Month

International Education Month

By Kelsey Holmes, Greenheart Club Intern

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

November is International Education Month! This month’s blog posts will highlight a number of issues surrounding global education. Education is one of the best ways to promote growth and development. Although considered a basic human right, not everyone has access to the same quality of education, and some do not have access to education at all.

There are a number of problems that surround global education access including gender inequality, lack of teachers and lack of funding. Additionally, many students must travel long distances over dangerous terrain to even reach their classroom to begin with. The documentary “On the Way to School” highlights four children’s journeys to reach schooling, and emphasized the deep and intrinsic value of obtaining and education.

Education stretches far beyond simple reading, writing, and arithmetic. Through education, individuals can accomplish amazing things. Education is a source of empowerment and enables people to view the world through a lens that promotes understanding and awareness worldwide.

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There are a number of global education initiatives that world leaders have been working towards to ensure that quality education is accessible to all. Learn more about them here:

  • Global Education First: the UN Secretary-General’s global initiative on education
  • Global Partnership for Education: “The Global Partnership for Education supports 61 developing countries to ensure that every child receives a quality basic education, prioritizing the poorest, most vulnerable and those living in fragile and conflict-affected countries.”
  • Global Education Innovation Initiative: “supports the development of global education leadership for 21st century education by conducting research on innovative practices, training leaders, and creating a dynamic learning network of global partners interested in educational innovation.”
  • United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative: “assist national governments as they fulfill their responsibilities towards ensuring the right to education and gender equality for all children, girls and boys alike.”

Organizations like Greenheart are essential in providing avenues that promote cultural awareness and foster cultural exchange. Through these programs, individuals are not only given access to formal education, but are offered unique ways to improve their skill sets, expand their minds, and become stronger global citizens. How are some ways that education has impacted your life?  Comment below!

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