Education Around the World

Education Around the World

By Kelsey Holmes, Greenheart Club Intern

Education is valued around the world.  A proven tool in individual empowerment and community development, education is important to people everywhere.  However, there are a number of interesting differences in actual education systems around the world!  Click on the infographic below to learn more about differences in education around the world:

Schooling-Around-the-World-InfographicSome children go to school in large, state run institutions, while others attend class in one room with all different ages and skill levels.  Some students use buses or cars to travel, while others walk for miles.  Some are even taught by their own peers – read about the World’s Youngest Headmaster here!

Regardless of the different environment s in which students may receive their education, there are a number of characteristics that are vital to making sure an education system is successful as possible.  Read this article by The Globe and Mail about the “Seven characteristics of great education systems” to learn more!

Every year, education systems are ranked globally.  Check out this video to see who is topping the list in 2015!

Want to learn more about the specifics that make each countries’ education system unique?  Click here for a database that lists each country and highlights the various aspects of education in Europe!

Previous Greenheart participant, Natalie, also highlights the differences in education that she experienced during her time in Italy.  Read more on her blog! What differences and/or similarities in education have you experienced during your travels? Comment below!

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