Camp Greenheart plants the seed for gratitude

Camp Greenheart plants the seed for gratitude

Hi there, Greenheart family! Have you been following us on Facebook and Instagram? This week we spotlighted Camp Greenheart as part of our #GreenheartGratitude campaign. Let’s close out the week with some messages of gratitude from our very own campers. Each of the leaves on the Thankful Tree pictured below hold a special message of thanks from our campers.


Some are thankful for the sweet treats…


Others give thanks for the FR[EI]NDS…all of the freinds…

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Yes, there was much merriment at Camp…

leaf5 leaf2

We learned that children are the ultimate yoga masters…


Overall, there’s just a general sense of awesomeness…


You could contribute to the awesome today. Visit our End of Year Campaign online to learn more. 

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