What is Sustainability?

What is Sustainability?

By Kelsey Holmes, Greenheart Club Program Assistant

Get excited, Greenheart Club!  Camp Greenheart is coming up, so for the next few weeks we will be highlighting some of the topics we will be addressing at camp!  This week’s theme?  Sustainability.  So what, exactly, does that mean?

The planet has been sustaining itself for billions of years in the forms of various interconnected networks of biodiversity, or, ecosystems.  Imagine if we no longer had beautiful beaches to enjoy, soothing rainstorms to fall asleep to, or no more snow!  Environmental awareness and respect for the planet are vital in ensuring that the earth as we know it is around long after we are.  So what does this look like?  A sustainable environment must be self-sufficient, non-polluting and renewable.

Think of a sloth – they move so slowly that entire ecosystems develop on their bodies that sustain the life of tiny moths navigating across the sloth’s body.  The environment created by a sloth is both sustainable and does not harm the environment around it, but rather provides a whole species with the resources needed to sustain life.


Simply by existing, sloths are following the principles of sustainability.  Consuming the appropriate amount of food and resources, sloths sustain their own lives as well as that of other species.

A sustainable society, then, should act in a similar fashion.  As we consume earth’s resources, it is important to remember that they are limited and precious.  But you might be asking, why does this matter?  If you eat on a daily basis, you rely on the environment.  If you make any sort of purchase, you rely on the environment.  Even the clothes you decide to put on each day depend on what the current climate is.  Check out these reasons why you should care about the environment and find other resources for sustainable living from Eco Admirer.

In a sustainable world, each dimension of the natural and social structures must work in harmony with one another.  This means that while eliminating the use of natural resources is not necessary, it’s definitely important to make sure to use these resources responsibly and avoid excess.  Earth has sustained life for billions of years, so how do we return the favor and make sure that we’re taking care of the planet that takes care of us?  Here are a few good places to start:

  • Educate yourself. The more you know the more effectively you can create positive change in your community.  Learning about the environment, expanding your worldview, and pursuing education at an early age leads to better informed citizens that act consciously to create a just and sustainable society.
  • Raise awareness. Knowing the facts is half the battle.  After all, how can you be expected to make conscious choices regarding Earth’s resources if you don’t know how your actions impact the planet?  Learn more about heightening your awareness through the Pachamama Symposium.  Bring the knowledge you have gained to your community (local and global) and encourage others to live sustainably along with you.  Spreading public awareness through forums, open discussion, and opportunities like Camp Greenheart is a great way to do this!
  • Conserve resources. You’ve heard it before: “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,” but it’s certainly worth repeating.  Making the conscious effort to turn off the light when you leave a room, take shorter showers, or unplug unused electronics is easy and makes a big difference.
  • Consider your values. We live in a consumer-focused culture, and making the shift to a more sustainable outlook is something that needs to happen on an individual and societal level.  Think about the purchases you make every day – are they sustainable or contributing to the planet’s overall degradation?  Look into fair trade or recycled options.  Do you really need a plastic bag for one item?  Wouldn’t it be more responsible to invest in a reusable water bottle than buying your third disposable one today?  Cutting back on consumerism cuts back on waste.

According to the United Nations, there are three core pillars in achieving a sustainable society: Economic Development, Social Development, and Environmental Protection.  By following the advice above, learning more about your own community along with the global community, and maintaining and spreading awareness about economic, social and environmental issues, we can help to achieve the goal of a sustainable society.

This is our only home, and if we are careful and mindful of our actions, it will be around for generations to come!

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